Top Features of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Top Features of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Following the success of Microsoft Dynamics CRM I have taken a look to find out more about what are the top features of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.  I have  found a great video by Microsoft that gives the top 10 features of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.  By 10 product developers from Microsoft in less than 10 mins…

Here is my summary:

1)            Security enhancements – history of changes and role based allowances.

2)            Solutions that are able to be packaged

3)            Dashboards – obviously not unique to Microsoft CRM but a great resource available in version 20111

4)            Enhancements to user interface – ribbon bar and multiple forms per entity

5)            Market Place which shows apps availability and feedback

6)            Web resources – ability to embed Silverlight and Javascript

7)            Globalisation – 41 languages

8)            Outlook integration

9)            Share point integration for document management

10)          Develop tools including Visual Studio

Why not watch it for yourself?!

So hopefully that will answer what are the top features of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011!

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